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SwiftUI is the next generation of Apple’s UIKit, and it’s being built into every iOS app developed in 2019.
But SwiftUI is still under development, so the APIs aren’t always final yet. This means it’s best to stick to the latest API version to keep things working smoothly.
However, SwiftUI is coming out very soon, which means developers will have to change their designs around.
So we thought, why not create some simple, practical guides that show you the best ways to implement SwiftUI in your projects?
These are free to read, and we’re sure they’ll help you get a head start on your SwiftUI app.
What are SwiftUI Tutorials?
Apple’s new SwiftUI framework is a game-changer for developing user interfaces. SwiftUI is Apple’s brand-new user interface development framework, designed to help you create high-quality apps quickly and easily.
Surprisingly, it’s a lot more than just a new UIKit framework.
The best part is that you no longer need to use XCode or Interface Builder to develop your apps. Instead, you can create your interface using Swift code.
This is an important step forward because SwiftUI is the future of iOS development. However, there are still a few things that you’ll need to know about the framework before you start using it.
What Does SwiftUI Tutorials Offer?
SwiftUI Training can make you a master of app development; however, some things you will be learning include:
1. SwiftUI Essentials
This is a simple guide to SwiftUI. You will learn what SwiftUI is and what it can do for you. It’s free and a great place to start if you’re new to SwiftUI.
For example, you’ll learn what a View is, how to implement a SwiftUI View, and how to make your app look great.
For example, the basic template for a SwiftUI app is:
struct ContentView : View { var body : some View { Text ( "Hello World!" ) } }
You’ll learn how to build your app using this simple, functional template.
2. Putting Together a Full-Blown Project
You will be able to build a complete app with SwiftUI. You’ll learn how to use the UIKit, SceneDelegate, and Storyboard. Make a simple button. How to put together a list and a navigation bar on top of everything.
Bindings and forms will be a huge part of SwiftUI, and you’ll learn about them. How to use them to make your UI more responsive.
3. Adding Media
There are many things you can do with SwiftUI. But you will most likely be using it to display media, which is the easiest way to start using SwiftUI. Animations, images, and videos are all great ways to display media, but you can also do a lot more.
The easiest way to add media to your app is to use the camera. To do this, you need to add a UIView in your app’s view controller and add the following code to it:
import SwiftUI struct ContentView : View { var body : some View { VStack {
Image ( "image_source" )
}. background ( Color. black ) } }
Here, we are adding a UIView to our view. We’re also adding an image to it, calling it “image_source.”
The Image() function will take the image from the image_source variable and display it.
4. Working with a Set of Pre-Formatted Documents
When you’re building a SwiftUI app, you’ll need to work with a set of pre-formatted documents. For example, create a UIImageView that displays a pre-formatted UIImage, or a UITextField that displays a pre-formatted string.
You’ll also need to create a set of UIViews pre-formatted with SwiftUI. You’ll be creating a series of UIStackViews, UITableViews, and UIAlertViews.
5. ListView and GridView
SwiftUI has introduced ListView and GridView, which are new concepts to handle lists and grids. Learn how to use them in SwiftUI and use them in your own apps.
6. Tooling
Get more out of your applications with XCode’s assistance. For example, you can access an app’s full-view hierarchy to see how the UI is built. You can also use XCode to create a custom segue and navigate between views.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How closely does the code match the preview?
SwiftUI uses code-gen to generate the preview. The code is generated from the UI you have set up in XCode.
You will not be able to change the code, or the preview will be different.
Q. What are the features of SwiftUI?
SwiftUI is a user interface development framework for iOS. It is a complete framework that is built from the ground up. It is based on the principle of “unidirectional data flow.”
It is an open-source framework. It’s built with Swift, which is Apple’s new programming language. It is designed to create fast and responsive apps. It uses a new UIKit.
Q. What is the difference between SwiftUI and UIKit?
SwiftUI is a new user interface framework, and it’s built on top of the UIKit framework. UIKit is the standard iOS framework for building user interfaces.
It’s the most powerful and versatile user interface framework on the planet. It allows you to build rich, responsive, and high-quality user interfaces.
But UIKit is limited to the iOS platform, and it’s only available for iOS 12.0 and later. So, SwiftUI is the future of iOS development.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, you can’t just jump right into a project and start building apps using SwiftUI.
If you want to use SwiftUI in your projects, you need to build a foundation first. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and learn SwiftUI today!
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